Witt O’Brien’s Associates

Witt O’Brien’s Associates is a Washington, D.C. based Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management firm whose mission is to make a difference globally in reducing its’ clients exposure to risks while mitigating the impact of risks associated with all hazards by providing high-value services to government and business. Witt O’Brien’s Associates’ areas of support focus are: Public Health; Critical Infrastructure; State and Local Governments; Higher Education; and, the Private Sector.

The challenge for Witt O’Brien’s Associates is how to augment its core set of professionals with others around the globe who provide Subject Matter Expertise in the Company’s areas of core competencies and to do so in a timelier, less costly way. For Witt O’Brien’s Associates, delivering the right person for the right challenge is key to its continued success in value-add to its customers and quality of work. EPIC Paradigms provides the requisite tools to provide Witt with tools that address its primary concern for communications, project management, and SME deployment.

The utilities of choice are EPIC’s Connect & Collaborate, ReloConnex and WebX; these solutions afford WITT O’Brien a single point-of-entry management utility.