Process Re-engineering
EPIC’s Organizational Analysis and Business Process Re-engineering (OA/BPR) service offerings are a component of the Company’s Capacity Building Service (CBS) Practices and has as its mission the goal of having our client partners increase their operational efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall service quality. EPIC’s OA/BPR methodology includes the following techniques:
- Business Process Modeling (BPM): Provides a graphical standard for creating chart-like flow diagrams that are intuitive and easily understood by all stakeholders;
Swim Lanes Diagrams: Graphically represents process flow diagrams that visually distinguish responsibilities for sub-processes of a business process; - Decomposition Diagrams: Creates a hierarchy of process threads and the elementary business processes that belong to them;
- Value Chain Analysis: Enables definition of activities required to deliver an organization’s services and an analysis of those activities to add the greatest value for each stakeholder group; and,
- IDEF: A group of modeling methods that can be used to describe operations in an enterprise.
EPIC also employs analytical methodologies around the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Institute best practices and our BPR consultants include Six Sigma practitioners. This allows us to achieve the critical success factors integral to any BPR effort:
- Sustained support from executive leadership;
- A strong business case based on empirical data that aligns BPR efforts with strategic goals and defines clear, measurable objectives;
- Clear communication which conveys the goals of BPR initiatives; and,
- Identification and attainment of “quick wins” that can help to build early confidence in the business process improvement initiative.
As with all of its CBS’ Solutions, EPIC works collaboratively with our clients to explore and identify operational deficiencies and impediments. During this charge the Company will enlist very cable and dedicated resources from all the functional areas impacted at the leadership and the solution generation level. The proven practice allows us to eliminate waste, unnecessary wait times, reports, handovers and sign-offs, while ensuring the integrity of the process and providing our clients the path to operational efficiency. Typically, our work generates cost savings of fifteen (15) percent to twenty (20) percent of the cost base in question.
We look forward to working with you.