Digital Conversion of Personnel Records Document / Records Management


The Department of Navy’s Bureau of Personnel Services is frequently referred to as BUPERS.  The mission of BUPERS is to provide administrative leadership, policy planning and general oversight of the Naval Command while maintaining the records and files of its personnel, enlisted and officers.

EPIC personnel contributed to the initial digital conversion as a sub-contractor to DynCorp.  During the two year tenure, EPIC personnel responsibility was to serve as the Senior Project Manager and Operations Analyst for BUPERS while its digital functionality and operations were supported in Northern Virginia.  The primary responsibility was to assess Department of the Navy digital conversion operations efficiency and identify areas requiring business and operational process re-engineering to improve the quality of the processing of digital images and records management. 

Responsibilities included:

  • Capturing Operational workflows, processes, and personnel procedures manuals;
  • Conducting employee time and motion studies to determine performance efficiencies;
  • Establishing Performance Indicators;
  • Assisting Data Storage technicians with understanding the human resource business requirements for records storage and retrieval; and,
  • Providing strategic business planning for implementation of re-engineering analysis.